Take The Junk Out Of Your Purse
At the beginning of my Sunday morning yoga class when you prepare your mind and body for the hour, the instructor said to “take the junk out of your purse”. She went on to explain that when we empty out our purses, we have empty gum wrappers, old receipts, crumbs from who knows what, and all different kinds of trash. We need to apply that principle to our minds and lives. What a great analogy!
I came home and dumped out my purse. And I found all kinds of junk. Dental flossers, spare change, half open pieces of gum, empty cough drop wrappers, and lots of little crumbs and fuzzies. I immediately made the decision what I needed to have in my purse all the time and it was simple. Six things: keys, glasses, wallet (with drivers license, a little money, Visa charge card, Bank Card and Insurance card), nail file, and because it’s winter, kleenex and a really good lip gloss.

Sally’s organized and prioritized purse
I need to simplify my life. What do I need to keep and what can I get rid off? As we prepare for the holidays and start our festivities and decorating, why not get rid of some of the junk in your house. Donate those extra furnishings, coats, clothes, dishes, blankets, and anything else that is not a priority so someone else can benefit from it.
And what “junk” can you get rid of in your home? Here’s a few for me: house phone line, cable TV, printed magazines, stop our junk mail, stacks of books that will never be looked at again, and four coats in our hall closet that we won’t wear.
And finally, try to eliminate the “junk” in your life. Spend time with family and friends you love. Spend self time reading books or writing in a journal. Volunteer for a cause you are passionate about. Get rid of the “junk” in your life and you will feel lighter, happier, and more balanced. Just like your purse.
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