Girl Scout Troop Badges 12/19/19 Healthy Snacks, 1/7/20 Simple Meals, 1/14/20 Power of Fruit and Veggies.Private event. Buffalo Prenatal and Perinatal Network/ Lunch and Learn. 1/16/20. Power of Protein and...
Sally is a healthy eating advocate who believes that a nutritious, plant-based diet can be fun and exciting, even in a city that loves its beer and wings.
-EWB on Insta-
3 years ago Vacation time!
3 years ago
3 years ago Exercise is a must for me first thing in the morning
3 years ago My annual melanoma check-up at Roswell Park elicits such a range of emotions ranging from fear to acceptance to joy. Before the visit I am always sure they will find something and begin making plans in my head for how I’m going to deal with it. The day of my appointment, I try to accept whatever will be the outcome and tell myself this is why I have the annual appointment-to catch another cancer in the early stages. Finally, when they say everything looks great and see you next year, I literally feel like I have wings and can fly