One Potato, Two Potato…. This Was My Plant Based Lunch at Wendy’s

Every time this happens I feel more frustrated. And I really blame myself because I didn’t take the time to plan or bring a favorite protein rich food from home. While traveling for a short car ride (3 hours) to visit my Mom, we decided to stop for lunch due to our growling stomachs. After we reviewed our available options ( Chipotle, Starbucks, Panera and other better choices were not near) we decided on Wendy’s. My preferred food choices are in the Mediterranean/Pescatarian food selections. The protein choices were beef and chicken. There was simply not any other proteins available. So I ordered two baked potatoes with chives and sour creme. It seems the broccoli was no longer available either.
My issue was with the lack of different protein sources available. Beans, “fake” meat, eggs, legumes, or fish were not options. In the future I know I need to make sure and bring a peanut butter sandwich, greek yogurt or other alternative protein with me. It’s amazing to me that there are not readily available non-animal protein sources at the many fast food chains that exist. Burger King offers the fake-red meat which could be an option when we travel, but no BK in sight. McDonalds, Arbys, Wendys, and the others drive thru’s are also meat focused.
I know, I know. First world issue. It’s kind of ridiculous I am even writing this. But I had to because I feel like we as a population should have more choices, healthier options and it should be getting easier to order something other than beef or chicken. But it’s not. My gut tells me that we can slowly move the very accessible drive throughs to have alternative options available if we make our preferences known. Consumer demand dictates, right? Isn’t it about time that vegetarians can kindly order something besides a baked potato?
Also, I was hungry when I wrote this. Thanks for letting me express my opinion. I’d love to hear yours!
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