Eat Well Buffalo’s Top Favorite Drinks
Eat Well Buffalo (EWB) believes we can make a significant difference in our health by making small changes. One of the nutritional areas we so often forget about when it comes to our health is the beverages we consume. Many so-called healthy drinks are loaded with sugar, maybe chemicals, and little nutrition. Even pure fruit juice is loaded with sugar- and doesn’t contain any of the magic of fiber.
EWB has several favorites when it comes to the healthy beverage category. We posted these on Instagram and Facebook and would love to share them here.

and healthy milk (your choice).
No better way to start the day.

Drink alcohol responsibly with friends and family and healthy+ fabulous foods.
Red wine. Organic grapes. Drink mindfully and in moderation. High in antioxidants and contains resveratrol which has been linked to lower risks of cancer, stroke, and heart disease. Enjoy with friends and an excellent healthy meal.
Other favorite drinks include fermented tea otherwise known as Kombucha. Kombucha is made with tea, bacteria, yeast, and sugar. Be aware of how much sugar the kombucha you choose contains.
EWB also loves our smoothies with high everything -greens, protein, fat, and fiber and always low in sugar. Make your own creation with kale, banana, yogurt, seeds…..and so many other choices. Smoothies are great for breakfast, lunch, snacks, or dinner. Watch the sugar, calories and quantity. Great way to start the day.
If you are drinking soda or “pop”, consider gradually decreasing the amount of soda you consume by increasing your water, tea, or other low-sugar, high nutrition drinks. Small changes can make a big difference.
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