Can A Nutritional Cleanse Be A Healthy Reboot?
EWB has never been a fan of restrictive and detoxifying cleanses. Some of them are very limiting and can be potentially dangerous. However, what if you want to break out of an eating pattern that leaves you feeling sluggish by 3:00pm ? Maybe you’d like to turn down your meat consumption a little bit for the environment’s sake and health reasons? A nutritional cleanse might be similar to cleaning out your closet. Remove everything and then gradually add the things back in that work best for you. EWB prefers to refer to this as a Healthy Reboot.
One of our readers, Sue, who lives in Idaho has just finished a 30 day reboot and has shared her 5 “Secrets of Success” with EWB. These 5 takeaways provide food for thought in case you are considering making some changes. Here goes and thanks Sue!

Farmer’s Market in Sandpoint, Idaho
While I would highly recommend a cleanse (reboot) to everyone as it is a great way to reset your system and clear out the cobwebs, it is not a lifestyle that one would want to sustain (at least not me.)
As always, when you change your daily habits radically, you alter your perspective and this can allow for a new way to approach everyday life. I thought I might capture some of my takeaways and share them that others may consider.
I call my takeaways my ‘SOS’s (Secrets of Success). Maybe it will help remembering the ones that appeal to you.
By the way, while weight loss was not a primary goal, I did lose 7 pounds… not bad for a month’s work.
Takeaway 1 Seek Organic Selections.
I used to poopoo this as a trendy marketing strategy that emptied your wallet faster. Learning about how additives, preservatives and hormones can poison your gut, it makes sense to eat as ‘clean’ as you can. Not everything needs to be organic.. fruits and vegetables that have dense protective outerwear that you remove before eating… not necessary.
Takeaway 2 Strike Out Sugar
We now know that body fat is a result of sugar, not fat. So focus on this. Keep your carbs low to no and although I’m not a consistent label reader, I now check for grams of sugar and carbs before I toss it in the basket.
Takeaway 3 Stew over Selections
This has to do with eating out. It can be a real challenge to not throw in the towel and pick the most appealing dish on the menu. But I look at ordering food out as a creative challenge now. From the ingredients mentioned across the menu, I try to come up with the most appealing dish using protein and veggies. You can usually win your server over by asking them for their help.
Takeaway 4 Sauce On Side
Automatically ask for all sauces/ dressing on the side. Even when I occasionally order pasta, I get it dry and dip my fork and add pasta by the bite. Same with salads… a dip of the fork in dressing with every other bite will suffice! I also challenge myself (silently, of course) to see how much sauce I can leave behind. Sauces and dressings are filled with unwanted stuff so this is a great habit to acquire.
Takeaway 5 Speak Over Supper
I was always told to eat slowly but I am not the slow eater type. I do, however, love to talk. During the cleanse, we had a lot of company, which brought on its own challenges, but I discovered with relaxed conversation over the meal, I ate half as much as I normally do and went away full but not stuffed. My stomach was able to catch up with my mouth! I highly recommend this technique and leftovers are an added benefit the next day.
There you have it…..a few ways I will approach eating a little differently. Not radical, but sustainable and hopefully, a noticeable difference.
Thanks again Sue for sharing your Secrets of Success. Remember, each one of us needs to determine what works best for us and how to be our healthiest. Eat Well Buffalo hopes you enjoy the journey and working towards being your best self!

Beautiful Idaho
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